Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Month Later...

Wow, time flies! Make it stoppppp! I cant believe it is already fall break. There is so much more I want to do, and as soon as I get back it will already be November! Blehh!

On a positive note because all that stuff about leaving makes me depressed, I'm done with midterms!! I probably stressed myself out too much about them, big surprise, but I think they all went well! Now on to fall break!

I fly out from Heathrow at 7:55am to Prague.
Then I'm in Prague until Oct. 24th, when I go to Vienna via train.
We are then in Vienna until Oct. 26th, when I go to Munich via train.
Then we are in Munich until Oct. 29th, when I go to Verona via train.
We are leaving Verona on Oct. 31st to come back to London.

SOOO EXCITED! but I still need to pack, for a ten day trip, oh boy.

But since I haven't updated in a month, and a lot happens in a month, here are some photos of my activities!! :)

Millennium Bridge 

Borough Market

Tower Bridge

Trinity College

Pretty flowers in Dublin, Ireland

Little Green Man I found in Dublin

Guinness, where dreams are made.

True story.

My first Guinness! I'm addicted! 

Iris, Me, and Emily at The Court

Gotta love the Irish Cider- Laura, (Will), and Me!

Ice Bar with Laura!


alrighty, packing time!!! hasta!