Saturday, August 21, 2010

8 days? oops...

I leave in 8 days, wow. I didn't realize it was so soon..crap. I still need to pack, buy my camera, figure out my phone situation, say goodbyes, get my computer fixed -I'm copy & pasting o's just an FYI haha PHAIL- oh, and did I mention pack? I am pretty sure I'm not going to have time to get everything done, and if I actually do, it will be because I am on zero sleep. Yeah, I'm still working at the Sandbar -best job ever- until Wednesday, so that cuts down on my time even more..oh boy. I'm thinking an EPIC PHAIL is in order...gosh it is annoying to have my o-key not working..seriously just try it for a day. It is a pain in the ____...umm can I swear on this? If you're reading this, please fill in the blank yourself..

Ello there 2am, where did you come from? I best go to bed. More ranting about how I'm the worse procrastinator ever to come.

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