Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas..

In case you couldn't tell by my blog, I'm in the Christmas spirit!! London is buzzing with excitement for this holiday, since as you know, there is no Thanksgiving -- aka my favorite holiday, I refuse to admit there is a 2010 Thanksgiving, well that is until I get home, where I expect my mother to go all out and make a full turkey + mashed potatoes + salad + mashed potatoes + gravy + mashed potatoes + corn + apple pie...yummm, oh, and did I mention mashed potatoes? haha, but seriously. There is no 2010 Thanksgiving. It didn't happen, don't ruin my dream -- but London at Christmas time is magical. Regents Street is lit up in a Narnia theme, Marylebone High Street is all decorated, and all the stores (like M&S and Hamleys) have Christmas lights and displays. Its amazing!

So seeing as I haven't posted since before fall break, I'm going to do a bunch of posts right now. Enjoy!

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