Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Edinburgh or Phail!!

Tomorrow/Today (depending on where you are reading this) I set on my first big adventure (okay, technically second after London) to Edinburgh, Scotland!! I'm insanely excited! We are staying at a hostel that is "a stones throw away" from Edinburgh Castle. Legit that is what it said in the description of the place! Haha! I am going with two (of my seven) flatmates, Zandy and Iris. We plan to go to the Castle, visit J.K. Rowling's place of inspiration for Harry Potter, and perhaps venture to Glasgow! :) I am taking my camera, so expect pictures of beautiful Edinburgh!

I promise to update more, it is rather difficult to balance school + London site-seeing + social life + a regularly updated blog :) I will try to be better...I guess that is why they call me Epic Phail ;-)

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